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Posted on August 15th, 2017 - Posted in Management | Oil and Gas | Project Management

Millennials are coming, and you need to prepare

As the only millennial in the WSR office, I get it — us millennials get a bad reputation in the workplace. But it’s closing in on the time when companies (and yes, even oil companies) need to embrace the millennial worker. In fact, you have fewer than three years to accept that millennials are here to stay: by 2020, 50% of the workforce will be the millennial generation, and there will be no avoiding us after that.

What is it about the word “millennial” that makes businesses worry? It might be that 51% of businesses report that millennials are the most costly individuals to hire and train. That fact, coupled with knowing that 60% of millennials are open to new job opportunities at any given time, causing millennial turnover to cost the US $30.5 billion each year, means that companies need to figure out retention strategies — and fast.

For oil and gas, that means utilizing technology to retain young, skilled employees. 21% of millennials say technology that improves the work process can give them more reason to stay at a job. That means less turnover and less money being spent training new employees. Here at Wellsite Report, we are all about process, user-friendly technology, and giving employees the tools needed to make their job easier and faster.

The one complaint I hear over and over from my millennial friends (and to be honest, a complaint I’ve had at previous jobs), was the lack of process, accountability, and follow-up in a workplace’s set-up. Everyone hates wasted time, but we’re willing to leave a company for less money to improve quality of life. Embrace process technology now and be ready for when your company is half-millennial, because whether you like it or not, it’s coming faster than you think.

Wellsite Report is here to streamline your processsimplify the training process, and retain millennials for the oil and gas industry.

Release Notes

Posted on June 3rd, 2024
Posted in Management | Oil and Gas | Software Update

Release Notes – 2.7.3

Sync Wellsite Report to Google Drive   Access all your data effortlessly in a Google Drive folder of your preference, eliminating the need for manual exports. From core application data to forms and files, everything you need is readily available. Stay up-to-date with the latest insights and information, conveniently at your fingertips. Core application data […]

Posted on October 17th, 2023
Posted in Equipment | Management | Oil and Gas | Project Management

Mitigate the downsides of higher interest rates

First, the good news. Since the height of the pandemic in 2020, exploration and production companies (E&Ps) have reduced their net debt from a high of $316.74 billion to $178.66 billion at the end of 2022. According to CreditSights senior analyst Charles Johnston, most independent E&Ps refinanced and now pay less than the double-digit interest […]

Posted on August 11th, 2023
Posted in Management | Oil and Gas | Project Management | Reporting | Service Quality

Gain a competitive advantage over other service companies

Although oil and gas producers are trying to get more out of existing wells than from drilling new ones, 2023 is on pace to be a record year for domestic oil and gas production. In this period of reduced exploration but peak output, wireline service companies and fracking service companies could greatly benefit from using […]

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